What is the FHWA Program?
FHWA is a cascade screening program designed to detect new cases of FH in families by screening relatives of index cases with FH. Index cases are identified in hospital and through primary care. Patients are screened for FH by the FHWA clinic, currently located at Royal Perth Hospital.
Patients are reviewed by a physician and nurses and provided with information and support. After their initial appointment, patients will be invited to attend a subsequent follow-up appointment.
Referring patients to the FHWA program
Referring an affected individual to this program will allow a comprehensive analysis of FH in their family and a management plan for their condition.
To refer your patients, please send a referral to the Lipid Disorders Clinic at Royal Perth Hospital via Central Referral Service (http://www.gp.health.wa.gov.au/crs/about/) or email fhwa@health.wa.gov.au for more information.
Western Australia – patient brochure