AAS Trust Travel Grants
The AAS Trust Travel Awards are to assist with travel to an international conference. Applicants must apply in the round in which their conference date falls. Applicants will be able to receive funds retrospectively. Applications will be assessed together and ranked by the Trustees after the close of each round. The successful applicants will have been ranked as the top two in each round. Consideration will be given to the prestige of the conference, its alignment with the aims and mission of the AAS and the type of presentation that is being given (i.e. poster/oral). Applicants must show evidence of abstract acceptance and presentation type.
Eligibility criteria – updated effective 21 March 2023
- Must be a current financial member and a member for at least 2 consecutive years
- Currently enrolled in a PhD or less than 10 years postdoctoral
- Less than 5 years postdoctoral for medical graduates
- Maximum of 1 grant per person over a 5 year period
Two travel awards will be available up to a maximum of $1500 each.
Round one: for travel between January 1st and June 30th. Applications close on April 30th. Click here to apply via the member portal.
Round two: for travel between July 1st and December 31st. Applications close on November 1st. Click here to apply via the member portal.