Dear Members and Friends,
The following positions are open for nomination on the AAS Executive Committee effective from the AGM coming up in December.
President-elect – 1 year term (before taking up Presidency in 2022)
Secretary – 3 year term
Director – 2 year term (it is expected that more than one new Director will be appointed)
The AAS is seeking highly motivated nominees who are prepared to be “hands on” and hard-working in helping to run our society. In addition to regular attendance at committee teleconferences (typically every 1-2 months), each committee member is expected to contribute actively to one or more portfolios (e.g. administrative and financial oversight; membership engagement and renewal; attracting sponsorship; planning of online seminar series and major face-to-face meetings; social media). Nominees need to be financial members.
Please email to nominate yourself or a fellow financial member of AAS.
October 07 2020